
Refereed articles

Information articles

Sue Morris

is a PhD candidate at the University of Queensland. Her research interests include the online community surrounding computer games, and issues of identity, gender, and media panics regarding new technology. She publishes the Game Culture website.

Patrick Crogan

teaches film and media studies at the University of Adelaide. He is currently working on a book about the relationship between war, computer games and contemporary audio-visual culture.

Brent Nicholls

teaches film and media studies at the University of Otago. He has published work in postcolonial theory and media cultures.

Simon Ryan

Lectures in Film and Media Studies, and German and European Studies at the University of Otago.

Espen Aarseth

is editor of the first academic journal on computer games, Game Studies. He is author of Cybertext: Perspectives on Ergodic Literarture (Johns Hopkins UP, 1997). He is Head of the Center for Computer Games Research at the IT University of Copenhagen.

Chris Chesher

thinks about new media all the time. He uses them, produces for them, writes about them, and teaches them. He's a senior lecturer at UNSW School of Media and Communications, a facilitator of the critical Internet group fibreculture, and has played both Grand Theft Auto PS2 games all the way through.

Jeffrey E. Brand

Associate Professor of Communication and Media at Bond University, Queensland. He teaches and researches interactive media and computer games.

Josephine Starrs

is an artist whose works include the interactive animation Dream Kitchen, and the game patch Bio-Tek Kitchen. She teaches in Media Arts at the Sydney College of Art, University of Sydney.

Sherman Young

is a lecturer in the Media Department at Macquarie University. His research interests include new media theory, policy and production. He has recently completed a doctorate evaluating Australian Online Services policy.